Join an Amnesty Student Group Registration Student groups 2024/2025 "*" geeft vereiste velden aan City*Choose your city / student groupAmsterdam (AISA)Den Haag (AISD)Groningen (AISG)Leeuwarden (AISLWD)Leiden (AISL)Maastricht (AIMS)Meppel (AISTM)Middelburg (AISM)Nijmegen (AISN)Rotterdam (AISR)Tilburg (STAI)Utrecht (AISU)Wageningen (AISW)Twente (AIST)First name*Last name*Date of birth* DD dash MM dash JJJJ Gender* Male Female Non binary Prefer not so say Other City*E-mail* Phone number*Study*Do you speak Dutch? (the groups are international, the working language is English, speaking Dutch is NOT mandatory)* Yes No Are you in the 2024/2025 board?* Yes No Board position* Chair Secretary Treasurer PR-officer Event coordinator Other (please specify your role in the field below) Other board position*What is your home address?*We need your address to send over the paperwork for your Student Group bank account. What is your home address?*We need your address to send over some Amnesty materials (aka your Student Group toolkit). Short motivation to join this Amnesty Student Group*Short motivation to join this Amnesty Student Group*Please give us your consent (required)* Yes, I consent that my contact details will be distributed to the board of my student group & Amnesty International NL. Please give us your consent Yes, I want to stay updated on upcoming masterclasses, human rights issues of interest and relevant actions or events I can join PhoneDit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.