I survived my first week as an intern!
Hi, my name is Annelie and I’m the new intern at the education department of Amnesty International. I was able to join an amazing team! My first week as an intern was quite hectic. Amnesty was this year’s social partner at the Intreeweek of the UvA. In this week the new students of the UvA got to know Amsterdam, and so did I.
As someone who lived in Groningen for the last 4 years, Amsterdam is quite different and big. This city can be very confusing at times, but that makes this city even more fun.
On Monday, the first day of my internship, we were at the Nieuwmarkt with some nice Amnesty games. The students could do these games and learn more about Amnesty International. It was not very busy at first, but later that the day there was even a row in front of the games.
While my colleague Sarah was at the student fair on Tuesday, on behalf of Amnesty, I was working at the office. My colleague Klaske showed me some things about the educational side of Amnesty. After that I wrote some more texts and posted my first Instagram post for Amnesty! So, if you want to see more of that, you should all start to follow @amnestyopschool and @amnnestystudentnl
My third day started with my first meeting here. This meeting was about the Write for Rights campaign this year. I also posted an Instagram post and wrote several texts. This may all sound very boring to you, but I have (co-)written many of the texts that can be seen on the Amnesty website.
On Thursday I was bombarded with a whole list of tasks. I had to find out a lot for Sarah, and Klaske and Rabia also had the several tasks for me to do. These different tasks took a lot of work. I thought I would not finish it all, but by the end of the day I had accomplished every task of my very long to-do list.
On Friday I joined the activities of the Intreeweek again. That day the Intreefestival was on the program, to end the week. We were present with a table football game, the petition for Vitalina Koval and ‘the head of Jut’. It was my job to make a Polaroid photo of different people. They could take the picture home if they followed us on Instagram. It was very fun to interact with the students and to see the team interact with the students and each other.
My first week as an intern at Amnesty International, was super fun. I worked hard, learned a lot and was very tired afterwards. I’m very thankful that I am able to join this great team and I really look forward to the next five months!